Frequently Asked Questions

Accessing ethics@ucl

How do I access ethics@ucl?
To access the applicant portal, please go to and log in using your UCL credentials.
Can I access ethics@ucl at home?
Yes. ethics@ucl can be accessed at home using your UCL Single Sign-on details on any computer on any network. Desktop@UCL or a VPN connection is not required to access the system.
What should I do if I cannot access ethics@ucl?
If you encounter issues accessing ethics@ucl, or if you are unable to submit your application through the system, contact for assistance.

Support and guidance

Where can I find further system training and guidance?
If this is your first time visiting ethics@ucl, we recommend completing our short system training before you get started. User guides are available on our online training page: The application questions have information icons to the right of the questions for guidance, tips, and links to useful resources.
What if I have submitted an application by email?
Applications submitted prior to the implementation of ethics@ucl will continue to be processed outside of the system. For existing approvals please continue to submit amendments and adverse events to or your local committee as per your approval letter. Visit our responsibilities after approval page for more information:
Who do I contact if I have any questions about ethics@ucl?
If you have any general questions which aren't covered on the training pages, please contact the UCL Research Ethics Service at or attend a system-based drop-in session:
How can I provide feedback on the system?
Please share your thoughts with us by completing our quick survey:

Work Area

How do I start a new application in the system?
1) Click on ‘Create Project’ from the menu on the left-hand side of the Work Area 2) Enter your project's title when prompted 3) Under 'Form' select 'Research Ethics Application’ 4) Click on 'Create'
How do I delete a project?
1) Click on ‘Delete Project’ from the menu on the left-hand side of the Work Area 2) Select the project you wish to delete 3) Click ‘Delete’
How do I create a folder?
1) Click on ‘Create Folder’ from the menu on the left hand-side of the Work Area 2) Enter the Folder Title 3) Press ‘Create’ Your folder will appear under ‘Project Folders’ in the Work Area.
How do I delete a folder?
1) Click ‘Delete Folder’ from the menu on the left-hand side of the Work Area 2) Select the folder 3) Press Delete
How do I duplicate a project?
1) Click on ‘Duplicate Project’ from the menu on the left-hand side of the Work Area 2) From the drop-down list select project that you wish to duplicate 3) Enter a new title 4) Press ‘Duplicate’ Your duplicated project will appear under ‘Projects’ in the Work Area
How do I move a project to a different folder?
1) Click ‘Move’ from the menu on the left-hand side of the Work Area 2) Select the project and the destination 3) Click ‘Move’
How do I transfer a project?
1) Click on ‘Transfer’ from the menu on the left-hand side of the Work Area 2) Enter the recipient's email 3) Select the project 4) Press transfer

Research Ethics Application Form

How do I start my application?
You will find your research ethics applications under ‘Projects’ in your Work Area. The application form is organized into named sections listed in a left-hand column. Each section contains questions, displayed as clickable live links on the right. To begin your application, click on ‘Introduction and Instructions’.
How do I transferring existing UK ethics opinion or approval to UCL?
PIs who transfer projects to UCL can register any in-date ethics approvals issued by other UK institutions, rather than having to obtain a whole new UCL ethics approval when they join.
How to navigate inside an ethics application?
You have several options for navigating the online form: Project Overview Page: This page includes sections on the left and clickable links on the right, allowing you to jump between different sections. You can use the ‘Navigate’ button to return to the complete question set. Sequential Navigation: Move through the form step-by-step using the ‘Next’ and ‘Previous’ buttons located at the bottom of the application form screen. Completeness Check: Use this action to check if all questions relevant to the project have been answered. Please note this only pulls up questions that haven't been answered based on what has been generated in the application form so far.
I’m leaving UCL and need to hand over my application to a colleague. How do I do this?
The transfer function assigns the ethics application to another user, making them responsible for its approval moving forward.
How can I share an application form with collaborators or supervisors?
Share the application with your collaborator(s) or supervisor by clicking ‘Share’ in the left side menu; enter their UCL email address and grant full access to the application. Share the form with external collaborators by clicking ‘View as PDF’ in the left side menu and save form as a PDF document. Only questions that you have already answered will be included.
How can I download my application form?
You can download your application form by clicking ‘View as PDF’ in the left side menu and save form as a PDF document. Only questions that you have already answered will be included.
How is the application form structured?
The application form consists of a series of questions over of number of web screens and the questions are tailored based on your responses. The application form is dynamic, and the questions are tailored based on your responses. The full form will only be visible after you have completed section A and B, and follow-up questions will appear as you progress. Please note that responses may be lost if you change an answer to an initial question.
Are application questions mandatory?
Most questions are mandatory and need to be completed before you can submit the form. Optional questions will be highlighted. Use the ‘Completeness Check’ button on the left-hand side to check if all questions are completed.
Will my application be submitted for high or low-risk ethical approval?
The first sections you need to complete are Section A and B. Your responses to these questions will determine the risk level of your application, and ensure it is routed to the correct review workflow. You will be notified of your review level once you complete this section. For more information on what is classified as high-risk please see our website:
Where can I find templates for participant facing documents?
Templates are available in the Help section of the system Menu Bar and on our website:
How do I upload supporting documents?
1) Press 'Browse' to select the correct document.   2) Enter the Version Date  3) Enter the Version Number   4) Press 'Upload'
Will my application automatically save as I complete it?
Your application will only save when you press ‘Next’ or ‘Previous’ so you will need to use the Save function to be certain your application is saved.

Declarations, signatures and submission

What signatures are required for my application form?
Applications require signature of some sort will be required before submission. This will vary depending on the type of application and the associated risks. There is guidance embedded in the form on how to do this. Low risk student applications require applicant and supervisor signatures. Low risk staff applications require applicant signature. High risk student applications require supervisor and departmental ((either LREC Chair, HoD or ethics lead) signatures. High risk staff applications require applicant and departmental signatures.
How do I sign my application form?
1) Navigate to the Declarations and Signatures section of the application form 2) Sign the application form by clicking on the ‘sign’ button when prompted
How do I request a signature from my supervisor?
Please request a signature using the 'Request Signature' button where prompted. Your primary UCL supervisor is the Responsible Researcher (or Principal Investigator/ PI) for this project. They need to read your application, provide feedback on any changes that may be required before submission, and sign to confirm their support for your project. To request supervisor signature, follow the steps below: 1) Click the 'Roles' button in the menu on the left-hand side of the screen. 2) Add your primary supervisor's email (note that this must be a UCL email address). 3) Click 'Supervisor Role' from the drop-down list. 4) Click 'Share Role' Your supervisor now has read, edit and submit permissions on your form. Please contact your supervisor to let them know that your form is ready for them to check and sign.
How do I sign an application form as a supervisor?
If you are a Supervisor, please log into the application system to view and sign student forms.
How do I request a signature from my department?
High-risk applications must be signed by your Head of Department, Departmental Ethics Lead or Local Research Ethics Committee Chair before submission. Applications must be signed by your department before the high-risk submission deadline; please factor in enough time for this. Staff applications: Please request a departmental signature using the 'Request' button. Student applications: After checking and signing your form, your supervisor should request a departmental signature using the 'Request Signature' button.
How do I submit my application form?
Your application will automatically be submitted once all required signatures have been obtained. You will receive an email notification confirming the signature(s) and submission for review.
Can I edit my application form after it’s been submitted?
Once you have submitted your application, you will not be able to make further changes unless requested by a reviewer or supervisor.
I have signed my application and/or requested a signature and locked my application form, but I need to make changes before review. What should I do?
Once your application has been signed as required, it will automatically submit for review, and you should receive a confirmation email within 30 minutes from the donotreply@infonetica email address. If more than one signature is required, you can make changes before all signatures have been added by clicking on the ‘Unlock’ button. Unlocking your application will remove any existing signatures from the form, and you will not be able to submit for review until all signatures are requested and added as required. Please allow enough time to check your application carefully before signing to ensure a timely and efficient submission process.
I have received a submission confirmation email, but I need to make changes to my application before review. What should I do?
Once your application has been signed as required, it will automatically submit for review. A submitted application will ‘lock’ for review, meaning you can no longer make changes or upload additional documents. If you need to make a change before your application is reviewed, please contact (for all high risk and centrally-reviewed low risk applications) or your Local Research Ethics Committee to request that your application be sent back to you (check who to contact in section B of the application form). Your form will then be ‘unlocked’ for edits and will need to be re-signed before resubmission for review. Please allow enough time to check your application carefully prior to submission to ensure a timely and efficient review process.

Review feedback

How can I track the status of my application?
You can check the status of your form by going to the 'Work Area' and selecting the project from the 'Projects' section. The form status table will display the current activity and status of the form.
How will I be notified about my review outcome?
You will receive an email notification once your application has been reviewed, including feedback and details about the next steps. Your application form will be unlocked, allowing you to make edits based on the feedback, re-sign, and resubmit it.
How do I view and respond to review comments?
1) In your project area, 'Reviewer Comments' on the left-hand side 2) You will be directed to the 'Overall Reviewer Panel Comments' section. 3) To respond to a review comment, click on it. This will take you to the relevant question, where the comment will be highlighted in red. 4) Enter your response in the applicant response box provided below each comment.
Do signatures need to be re-applied when I make a change to the application form?
After any changes are made to the form, signatures must be reapplied before submission. Your revised application will automatically submit for review once required signatures are obtained.

Responsibilities after ethical approval

How do I make a change to my approved application?
If you need to make changes to your project, you will need to amend your ethical approval through the ethics@ucl system. To apply for an amendment to your ethical approval: 1) Navigate to your Project Page from the Work Area. 2) On the left-hand side, select the ‘Create Sub Form’ tile. 3) From the dropdown options, choose ‘Amendment Form’ and press ‘Create’ to proceed. 4) To start filling out the amendment form, click on ‘Amendment’ under the Questions heading. You will be asked to describe and justify your proposed changes, outline any ethical considerations, and upload updated participant-facing materials, if relevant. 5) Before submitting your amendment form, you'll need to confirm the declarations and provide an electronic signature. 6) To view your amendment application, go to the Project Page and navigate to the Project Tree.
How do I report an adverse event?
Any adverse events (both non-serious and serious) involving risk to participants or others must be reported promptly to the approving ethics committee. To report an adverse event: 1) Navigate to your Project Page from the Work Area 2) Select ‘Create Sub Form’ 3) From the dropdown options, choose ‘Adverse Event Form’ and press ‘Create’ to proceed. 4) To start filling out the form, click on 'Details of Principal Investigator' under the Questions heading. Section 1 will automatically populate with information from the original research ethics submission. Section 2 will ask for details about the adverse event or breach. 5) To view your form, go to the Project Page and navigate to the Project Tree.

Useful Contacts

UCL Research Ethics Service
Website: Contact: Drop-in sessions:
UCL Local Research Ethics Committees
Contact details can be found here: